Bluffing your way through Texas Hold em Poker games online

Deception and being vague is the key to winning high stakes in Texas Hold’em poker. A key element of poker games is deceiving others and fooling them into thinking you own a good hand, even if you really don’t. Most novices to the game over do the deception and end up making a mess of things.

Bluffing in poker games works best when there is an assumption about a player’s game or the general trend of the game. Given here are a few specific pointers about bluffing in Texas Hold’em games.

  • When there are few players at the game – Don’t get over-ambitious and try to deceive a crowd, aim at pulling off a spotless deception on just one or two players.
  • When you are competing with tight players – A bluff usually looks for those players who fold or muck up fast. When bets are called early as flops or preflops, they are usually to find out about other player’s hands. When a bluff is made early on and the tight player doesn’t flinch, then maybe it is best not to repeat it in a future round. In these times too, it helps to know the players.

The important thing in bluffing it, everyone else at the table usually knows these tactics too, so beware; sometimes these bluffs just work work. however don’t give up, wait and watch for the right opportunity to come up.